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Microneedling involves application of a specialized, motorized tip with thin needles to the skin. The treatment is used to minimize wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, and enlarged pores in all skin types and body locations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

The thin needles deliver tiny, discrete wounds to the skin. The precise punctures into the skin’s outer layers stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin, thereby improving skin contour irregularities.

When will I see results?

It will take 1 month to attain the full effect from each microneedling treatment. Treatments can be repeated at monthly intervals as needed.

Is there a recovery period?

Treated areas typically appear pink or red for 3-5 days. Mild temporary bruising can also occur.

Who performs the treatment?

Dr. Tina Alster and Dr. Nina Hartman (Board-Certified Dermatologists).

Book a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists today to determine the best treatment plan for you.

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Washington Institute of Dermatologic Laser Surgery